In recent, local news the Way to Happiness Foundation participated in the local Martin Luther King Jr. parade in Tampa on Martin Luther King Jr. day this past Monday. After having a successful TWTH entry in the 2015 Martin Luther King parade a year ago, the Foundation knew it had to participate again this year.
The Way to Happiness is a group that has as its goal and objective an improvement of society worldwide through basic morals and ethics codes. The Way to Happiness itself promotes clean living, honesty, integrity, and compassion for one’s fellow man. The task of helping to revitalize an entire culture requires a worldwide organization with the purpose to place The Way to Happiness into the hands of every person on Earth. To carry out that mission, The Way to Happiness Foundation was established many years ago, and the Foundation chapter in Tampa was more than happy to participate in the local parade to promote its goals and ambitions.
The mission statement of The Way to Happiness Foundation is as follows, and one can easily see from it why this organization was a must for the forefront of the MLK parade, an event that promotes the very ideals that The Way to Happiness stands for:
“The mission of The Way to Happiness Foundation International is to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty the world over through the publication and widespread distribution of The Way to Happiness, a commonsense guide to better living. That mission is accomplished on a grassroots level, worldwide, by individuals who share The Way to Happiness book with others and so bring about an increase in tolerance and understanding between families, friends, groups, communities, nations and Mankind—making a safer, less violent world for all.”
Acting as a resource center to assist the public with distribution projects bringing about needed changes in businesses, communities and entire regions, the Foundation is supported by a growing global network of The Way to Happiness offices that forward the book and all that it has to offer into circulation across all sectors of society. It is the office in Tampa that has seen to it that their message is communicated through different venues all throughout the Tampa Bay Area, and what better venue to promote better living, compassion for one’s fellow man, and equal rights for all than the infamous MLK parade? As a result of the global actions of the Way to Happiness and also as a result of the individual Tampa Bay’s groups involvement in the MLK parade, people world over, from heads of state, mayors and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, to doctors, lawyers, local business leaders and community heads. Now, people in all walks of life are using The Way to Happiness to reverse the current moral decline.
Thanks to parades like this and to the Way to Happiness’s involvement in them, morals, ethics, and basic-good principles will be promoted for all of us to benefit from.