There is absolutely no doubting the fact that life is often difficult and challenging. There are many points along the way where an individual is faced with decisions that can affect their future health and happiness. It follows, then, that in order to remain successful and happy in one’s life, one must know which decisions will lead to worsened conditions and which decisions will lead to improved conditions so that one may stick to the latter. This may seem simple in theory, but can prove quite difficult when one considers that they have no guide with which to make these important decisions. The Way to Happiness seeks to change that.
Providing Inspiration
The Way to Happiness is a commonsense code of conduct comprised of twenty-one simple precepts that anyone can apply in order to improve their life. Some of these precepts include: “Take Care of Yourself”, “Love and Help Children”, “Honor and Help Your Parents”, “Set a Good Example”, “Seek to Live with the Truth”, “Don’t Do Anything Illegal”, “Support a Government Designed and Run for All The People”, “Safeguard and Improve Your Environment”, “Be Worthy of Trust”, and “Flourish and Prosper”, among others, and each one explains thoroughly the impact it can have on an individual’s life, as well as the lives of others around them. This booklet’s greatest value is in giving an individual the courage they need to improve their own life, and then reach out and encourage others to do the same.
An individual who reads The Way to Happiness can find that the precepts contained therein are very simple, and yet very powerful. They give one specific actions they can take in order to change the conditions that cause problems in our world. They also allow one to care for self and others in a way that helps them to make better life choices and to bring about needed changes in one’s family, one’s community, one’s society and indeed in mankind as a whole, so that everyone has an opportunity to lead a healthier, happier and more productive future.